This story was collaboratively written by Eric Montero and Jared Dube
Among the wave of new freshmen entering UCLA, two in particular stood out from the crowd. Their names were Jared Dube and Eric Montero. Jared was walking with Eric as they were looking for a chance at an internship with a local nuclear power plant. Eric didn’t enjoy to work hard and would rather be in his dorm bettering his rubik’s cube solving skills. Jared, however, was interested in biomechanical engineering due to his fascination in science, so he wanted to visit the powerplant and study the effects of radiation on the workers. They had a meeting on the 31st of october to meet with the plant supervisors. Although on their way there, they encountered a man in a white hockey mask notoriously known as Jason. He then threatens to disembowel them both if they don’t assist him in finding his trusty machete. Jared swiftly stepped out in front of Eric while he cowered in fear. Eric cried,”leave us alone!” Jason then glared at a nearby jogger and violently ripped out his jugular with his bare hands, and through clenched teeth, stated “You will find me my machete”. After the death of the innocent jogger, Jared boldly proclaims,“I guess we have no choice but to help you out, Jason, after witnessing that gruesome display.” Jared and Eric slowly came to the realization that not only was the real Jason standing in front of them, but they were also surrounded by unfazed trick-or-treaters who thought it was all a trick. The duo then unwillingly followed Jason in order to save their own lives by searching for Jason’s machete. They take off through the densely populated streets filled with costumed children in Eric’s ford focus with Jason riding shotgun towards the full moon.